Chain of Command

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance 046-806-8320
Special Education Special Education 046-806-8320
Information Specialist Information Specialist 046-806-8320
Tom Martin School Counselor 046-806-8327
Noreen Mohn School Nurse/Health Aide 046-806-8322
Registrar Registrar 046-806-8321
School Psychologist School Psychologist 046-806-8320
Webmaster Webmaster 046-806-8320

School Hours

During the school year, which typically runs from late-August to mid-June, our class schedule is:

Regular Hours Tuesdays
Office 0645 - 1530 0645 - 1530
School 0745 - 1415 0745 - 1315

During the school year, the school main office is open from 0645-1530 daily. During the Summer months, the school office is open from 0800-1500 and closed for lunch from 1200-1300.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

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